I’m Xolani

Pronounced zo-lah-nee | Pronouns: they/them

a Black, Queer, Neuro— & Chronodivergent Hoodoo, anthropologist, facilitator, and folk artist. My earthly ancestors existed upon Biloxi, Choctaw, and Muskogee lands (Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama). I am a gifted diviner and rootworker and have been “laying hands” since the age of 3 (as told by my mother). ❤️

Through my hands, I tend to earthly and celestial lineages

In this realm, I am initiated into multiple energy healing lineages including Usui Reiki (Master), Earth Evolution Reiki, 13th Octave LaHoChi, and IET (Advanced). I am a steward of celestial energy healing systems and often channel modalities with long-forgotten names.

As a lifelong student of the Divine, I am in a constant state of discovery. Through conjure, I embrace the medicine of possibility and “distribute to the needs of the saints (Romans 12:13).” I believe “our responsibility as Hoodoos, or Black spiritualists, is to help cultivate and sustain spiritual infrastructure that is truly supportive of the personhood, agency, and humanity of all Black beings” (from my Roles & Responsibilities in Hoodoo video on YouTube).

Ase & Amen

Attuned to the Medicine of Possibility


Attuned to the Medicine of Possibility 🌈


  • Any products that you see in my shop are available to the public. Barbara Smith of the Combahee River Collective states “Until Black Women are Free, None of Us Will Be Free.” My ethos is rooted in the liberation of multi-marginalized Black folks (of all genders). Your support means I get to continue this work. 🌈

    Events vary. Please read the descriptions.

  • Unfortunately, no. My divination books are not open to the public. Sign up for my newsletter to learn of energy healing offerings (group + private) when they become available.

  • In 2022-2023, I developed Hoodoo Basics workshops which evolved into the Hoodoo Foundations: Practices of Power + Personhood course. This course enriched the lives of new and continuing Black spiritualists who desired a sturdy foundation for their spiritual journeys. At this time, I do not plan to teach this class again.

    I’m cooking in the lab, though!🥼👀

    Sign up for my newsletter to be the first to learn of new offerings as they become available.

  • I appreciate your enthusiastic support! Everything I create is handmade in collaboration with Spirit. That means things take time 🤍 I will post on social media and send out a newsletter when we plan to restock!

  • Thank you for viewing me as a worthy and capable partner to your goals. Please use the contact form below to send a message. Include as much information as possible and inform me of your desired outcome. Allow 7-10 business days to process your request. I look forward to hearing from you!

Connect with Me

In the interest of self-preservation, please note that it may take up to 10 business days for me to process your email. If you are interested in collaboration, reach out as early as possible.